Saturday, November 2, 2013

Stop Human Rights Abuse

Who can find a virtuous woman?
For her price is far above rubies.
Proverbs 31:10

Viola has been forced from her home by a ruthless court appointed lawyer in order to make money from her home.  Currently, she is left in a room with bedbugs, in a facility less than 2 miles from her home.   Only public outcry can stop this injustice by a court appointed lawyer.  Please pray and also volunteer to help Viola!

The lawyer continually denies her requests to return home - in violation of the U.S. Constitution and D.C. law - and is rushing to tie up the home by leasing it out before another public outcry or  demonstration so that Viola, 92 years old,  may never be able to return to her home again.  


 Lawyer Katherine M. Wiedmann has just taken a $100,000.00 line of credit from her home paid off over 40 years ago, but continues to refuse to honor her wishes to live at home although it's 40% cheaper, including the cost of caregivers.  Although D.C. law demands a priority for the senior's wishes and letting them thrive where they want to live, guardians  make more money bilking the system - guardians like Ms. Wiedmann ignore the law, common sense, best practices.  She refuses to let Viola even have a week long vacation or any respite in almost 5 years, not even a massage.  


Viola is forced to live in a basement  in a molded room with occasional mice and roaches, while her 4- bedroom home, with fully renovated basement and bathrooms, beautiful backyard and deck sits vacant.  She craves the birds and squirrels that she has fed for years, long time neighbors and friends that she is prohibited from visiting,  several flower gardens, a large organic vegetable garden.  Her home  - sits empty - 1.39 miles down the street, from the facility where she is detained.  The lawyer is illegally trying to sell it behind her back.


For this this abuse, Ms. Wiedmann bills Viola over $2,0000 per month to "care for her" in addition to needless expenses of the lawyer's hired social worker, another hired caregiver, the plethora of nurses and caregivers at the assisted living facility.  This outrageous waste and abuse are typical of court appointed guardians in D.C. and around the country. All she wants is to live in her home, with her son and full time caregiver.  This simple request is resisted and thwarted by the guardian, who causes her to be billed in the hundred's of thousands of dollars.




Cornel West


In this exemplary website a son, in another state, whose mother is also 92, fights for her freedom from the hand of a lawyer and "judicial" system.  You should read this chronology- because this could happen to you, your mother or your father! 


See what Florida courts and lawyers have done to this incredible mom...

These human rights violations are rampant - don't let this happen to your parents, it can happen is so easy to happen
See the film "12 Years A Slave"- 
you will see guardianship for what it is, court appointed lawyers tricking and trapping people, then taking away their freedom and finances.

1. On Nov. 1, 2013, Viola was forced into a unsafe, filthy room filled with a strangers junk and sleep on a strangers stained cloth mattress cover by lawyer/guardian Katherine M. Wiedmann.  

The lawyer placed her in the same filthy room a second night against objections from her son.  The room had two huge holes in the wall but the lawyer has refused to have it tested for asbestos.

Viola was evacuated from her tiny room for two days while they exterminated bedbugs in her room caused by another resident.  Viola never had bedbugs in her four bedroom Shepherd Park home.  This happened the day before the funeral of her husband of over 60 years.  The lawyer billed up to $250.00 for the hour of putting Viola in a filthy, unsafe room.

 Viola was forced to sleep in a room with nasty filth and debris from a total stranger, yet the lawyer who did this refuses to let her live in the home that she worked for and paid off.

                              HOLE IN WALLS EXPOSING PIPES

2. Viola on You Tube August 2012, begging to return home:

The guardian makes a profit from someone else's lifetime of working, giving and saving.  The catch is - Viola, was never incapacitated - that was the door used to get control.  This is three years after being declared unable to think or have the ability to know what she wants. Anyone can petition to force someone into guardianship, a neighbor, relative or stranger - their motives can be evil or righteous - but the courts fail society by not protecting their due process rights. Like so many seniors, she wasn't even allowed to use her funds to get a lawyer.  The court appointed one for her (but didn't tell her that she was also a guardian). 


3. Viola in Jan 2011, begging to remain at home :

 In this interview, residents of the Nation's Capitol could clearly see that Viola was not "incapacitated" as a judge ruled over two years previously.  They also saw how a court lawyer would trick Viola out of her home by taking her to dinner...No. Really!

4. Viola's story was mentioned two years ago in the   Washington Examiner on Nov. 8,  2011:

Please help us with your ideas and time! What would you do if your mother, neighbor, friend were treated like this? Get involved. These are not personal, private family matters.  It could be your parents next...




 Thank You for your support!

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